Research studies published in several peer-reviewed journals have demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments affect an element of the immune system called the respiratory burst rate. This is known to create stronger immune system function, which in turn helps your body fight disease.
In one study, blood was taken from each of the patients 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the adjustment. These results were compared to the blood test of patients who received a sham, or pretend, adjustment. The respiratory burst rate in subjects who received the adjustment was significantly higher after the treatment, while the subjects who received the sham treatment did not have levels which differed significantly.
Frequently, patients who come in with colds, sinus pain/congestion and allergies say they felt better after their chiropractic adjustment, and their recovery was quicker than usual. This research may explain why.
Please follow these protocols if you are coming in for care:
1. Wear clean clothing.
2. Leave your phone and other possessions in the car or at home.
3. After signing in, use our bathroom to wash your hands with soapy water.
4. If you have symptoms that include fever, vomiting, coughing or respiratory congestion, please reschedule your appointment.
5. If you’re feeling well enough to come in for an adjustment, follow 1-3 and I’m happy to see you!
Research Articles: